
Ancient Agora of Athens
Ancient Agora of Athens 7922.69 km
The entrance fee for Ancient Agora of Athens is 10€ for 2024. Ancient Agora of Athens ticket and entrance fee covers all sections of the Agora, including Temple of Hephaestus, Museum of the […]
21 Theorias 7923.17 km
The entrance fee of the Acropolis is around 15.00€ per adult. Children under 5, EU citizens under 25 and students get in free, no need to buy an Acropolis ticket. Every 1st Sunday from 1 No […]
Acropolis Museum
Acropolis Museum 7923.57 km
The entrance fee for the Acropolis Museum for the year 2024 is 15€ between April 1, 2023 and October 31, 2023. For students visiting from outside the European Union, as well as young people […]
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Temple of Olympian Zeus 7923.83 km
The entrance fee for the Temple of Olympian Zeus is 6€ for 2023. Children under 5, EU citizens under 25 and students get in free, no need to buy an Temple of Olympian Zeus ticket. Temple o […]
Museum of Cycladic Art
Museum of Cycladic Art 7924.08 km
The entrance fee for the Museum of Cycladic Art is 12€ for 2024. For people over 65, students and young people aged 19-26, the entrance fee is 9 euros. Young people under 18 can enter the M […]
Akrotiri Archaeological Site
Akrotiri Archaeological Site 8151.26 km
Entrance to the Akrotiri archaeological site is €12 for adults and €6 for people under 25 and EU citizens over 65. The site is open every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. between April 1 and Octob […]